The Gardens Restaurant

The Gardens Restaurant
The Main Dining Room

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This one might make you cry!!

I know I always come across like I'm the Chamber of Commerce for Branson.  I've always thought this place had something magic about it--it makes people want to be better than they are, just to keep up.  And the things that have happened at The Gardens have been amazing as well, but today's events may just take the cake.

Long story short, our pastor Dennis and wife Marcia sent us the most wonderful employee, Jonathon, who has been a joy to us every day he has come in to work for us.  He has a tremendous spirit, and always wants to help everyone, and be the best he can be.  A great, great employee.

Anyway, Jonathon and Jamie have been trying to get engaged for months, and have had one roadblock after another.  Finally, Jonathon got the blessing from Jamie's family to proceed, and everything looked terrific at last.  He had even come up with a wonderful ring to give Jamie--and then, another roadblock came.  Jamie wears a size 7 ring, and this one was a size 5, and couldn't be adjusted to fit Jamie's finger.

Now, the amazing part kicks in.  Rachel (Pastor Dennis and Marcia's daughter), came to the restaurant today with a friend, Vanessa, who had never been in before.  Since Jonathon helps teach a Sunday school class at the church, he went over to say hello to Rachel.  She must have asked him about his engagement, because he told her about the problem with the ring.

Then, God stepped in, in the person of Vanessa.  She told Jonathon that she had been married for over 2 1/2 years, and had a wedding ring that she never wore.  Instead, she has always worn an heirloom ring from her grandmother.  She and her husband had prayed about what to do with this ring for the entire time, and had no clue what the answer was.

When she heard Jonathon's story about his ring, she immediately gave Jonathon hers.  It is a beautiful ring, size 7.  Perfect!  A total stranger making such a gift--amazing.  I went out to talk to her, thank for for Jonathon and Jamie and ask her if she was sure she wanted to do this.  She said she was just following God's voice and doing what she was supposed to do, what she had been praying about for over two years.

Maybe this is a common occurence in your life, but it certainly affected our lives today!!  Thank you Vanessa, thank you Rachel, thank you Dennis and Marcia, and thank you God, for giving Vanessa such a powerful message!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Jonathan and Jamie, and I'm happy for you Joe Duncan, for having an employee that you can trust and even describe as "wonderful". Your restaurant looks very inviting, I will have to come to dine there when I'm in town.
    Kristina Cartwright, Hamden, Ohio
