The Gardens Restaurant

The Gardens Restaurant
The Main Dining Room

Monday, September 27, 2010

More uniqueness at The Gardens

We have often felt that the restaurant had a unique "feel".  We have been complimented so many times by so many people about the way the restaurant is so comfortable to our guests; that it's almost like being at home.

This past weekend, more evidence of that appeared.  We have a customer who comes in every week or so to be one of the first people to eat Dave's wonderful Prime Rib, either on Friday or Saturday evening.  I have spoken to him a few times, and though I don't even know his name, I always feel comfortable talking to him. He has a larger than life laugh that is contagious, and we love to have him in the house!

Anyway, we had a bus that evening, so we were seating our guests in the "tea room".  (We hate that term, but still call it that for some reason).  I had a chance to say "hello" to him, and asked him how his prime rib was, and he said it was great as usual.  There were two other groups in the tea room, and one of them was excited about their upcoming meal, also  prime rib. 

Later, I walked back in, and the couple that also tried the prime rib was saying it was the best they had ever had.  The other group had gotten the salmon, and they reported the same with their meals.  That in itself isn't that unusual--we do hear that from time to time, which greatly pleases us, obviously.

What struck me, though, was that the next time I went back to check on them, the three tables had almost become a "community" of their own.  The gentleman who always comes in alone had pulled up a chair and was sitting between the other two tables of strangers.  I've been in a lot of restaurants in the last couple of years, and I have never seen that.  There was just a comfort that is hard to explain, and a desire to share "The Gardens Restaurant experience" with each other.  I can't explain it, but it's just a Gardens thing.

It reminded me of our parents.  They used to go on vacations to time shares all around the world, and they always seemed to come back with new friends that they had met in their travels.  I like to think they would have loved the restaurant.  It is a tribute to them, in so many ways.  They taught us so much, and we miss them every day.  I think they would have done the same thing as our prime rib gentleman did--pull up some seats and make some friends.  Maybe the restaurant is a Mom and Bob thing!

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