We are so fortunate to have so many friends that stop by and say hello everyday. Frequently, they're hungry, and they stop by for food, which is a good thing to do in a restaurant. But many times, people will just come by for a soda or a glass of tea, and spend time with us. I've got to tell you, we really enjoy those times as well. It's kind of like the old TV show "Cheers," where everybody knows your name.
If there is one thing that seperates us from other restaurants in town (though we hope the food, atmosphere, service, and music come into play as well) it is the "family feeling". We are so honored by people who tell us that the restaurant is so "homey". We have had bus drivers and their guests tell us so often that they have come to Branson for years, and have never felt so welcome and at peace in a restaurant. Jocille Tucker said on her Facebook page the other day that The Gardens is "like a haven". Wow!! What great praise--thanks, Jocille.
When people come in and we get to spend a few minutes with us, it makes our day. Many of you know that of the 4 of us Duncan's, Janet, Dave, and Cheryl are the talent. Our restaurant works so much better when I let them do the "heavy lifting" in the kitchen or with our servers, and I get to just go out and talk. I tell them I'm working hard, though, so please don't tell them I'm just having fun with you. You make our days. Keep coming in, sharing your stories, and telling us about you and your family. We love getting to know each one of you better! Joe
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