We went to church this weekend, as we typically try to do. Oh, sure, from time to time, we make excuses that we're too tired, have worked too hard, etc., etc. But the truth is, we always enjoy going, and always feel better after we've been. This Sunday was no different.
Pastor Dennis gave a wonderful, highly energized lesson on a very simple verse in Thessalonians, Chapter 5, verse 17. It says "Pray without ceasing." That's all. "Pray without ceasing". As is usually the case, Dennis' message made me think about my life, my journey, and where I have been, as well as where I am going.
I often pray. But, until Sunday, it was something that I did, then stopped doing. It was like a 30-second conversation with God, usually asking him for something for myself or my loved ones. Dennis reminded us that prayer is a dialogue, not a monologue, and that makes all the difference in the world. I not only have to speak to God, I have to wait to hear his response, regardless of how long that response takes.
I often worry about many things. My business, my family members, my associates, our financial ability to continue day in and day out, and what will happen tomorrow. Sometimes these worries make the enjoyment of every moment harder to appreciate.
But, I think I think I know, that if you're in constant prayer with God, the worries ease off. Faith should allow me to let God handle some of my worries--I don't have to shoulder them all by myself. It allows me to free myself from some of the angers I have felt, the pressures I have felt, and just relax a little bit more.
I can actually enjoy my life so much better right now, which is a true amazement. Business is still such a "hit and miss" thing, mostly "miss" this time of year. I always feel I try to have us prepared for the worst, and then I am shown how little I know. I should be more tense, more angry than usual, but instead, I feel a peace that is all around me. I still get a little upset, but I am working very hard to eliminate anger from my life.
I don't know if I got Dennis' message right at all, but I know it touched me, and made me try even harder to stay in constant contact with God. I hope this finds you miles ahead of my "evolution" and that you are in true peace. I am finding that I can more easily find the good in people, as long as I continue to look for it. I still am a work in progress, and know I will have potholes along the way. But if I stay in touch with God, He'll help me through those as well.